
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Everyday I told myself that I should blog on things that runs through my mind. Especially deep thoughts about what is going on in my life. My reason for that is things that happen can be easily erased from my memories. Therefore it comes to the question, how much memory can we store in our life? *i know mine's limited* Haha! ^^

Throughout the years, the only phone numbers I can remember are those who I called when I was going through my primary school ! My best friends numbers! Both my grandparents place! Home sweet home.. Daddy and Mummy's cellphone.. I think that's about it.. The rest are vague.. Gotta guess it till its right ! Lousy memory huh? =P

The poor memory I have really stabs me a lot when it comes to studies. Gotta remember a lot of things so that I can apply them. But seems like my brain is more than what we describe as rotten.. Prolly decaying every single second. Really bad news ! >.<~ *sobs* However when it comes to things we WANT to remember.. Things like happy memories you spent with the people you love.. Your family.. Friends.. Colleagues..Affliates.. or... A Special Someone.. The good memory just comes naturally.. Its because you want to remember them.. I ts the strong desire you have within you..

  • Cellphone numbers
  • Eventful dates
  • His/Her favourites (food,color,songs,movie,shirt,place)
what's more...
  • The television series she/he watches
  • His/Her favourite football team and player vice versa the football team he/she does not supports!
  • His/Her car plate number
  • The perfume he/she likes!
  • His/Her school time schedule
  • His/Her friends
  • His/Her dreams and goals

Important happenings.. Like the 1st time you both first met..

1. A detailed picture of the shirt he/she was wearing..

2. The earrings she wore that ( day, afternoon or evening )
3. Her/His smile ( Even if got something stuck in between his/her teeth =P~ )
4. The venue/place where everything happened..
5. The friends who were surrounding you
6. The weather ( Sunny? Windy? Cloudy? Chilling? Hot? Bright? Dark?)
7. The tone of his/her voice when you both were first introduced..
8. The jokes we laughed at..
9. The seconds/minutes when you were the limelight of the conversation
10. The seconds/minutes when he/she was the limelight of the convie...
11. The model of his/her cellphone!
12. The friends whom he/she was close to..
.... The goodbyes and 'see you again' 's.. >.<~

The list goes on forever..

All those minor details.. Something which no one else could remember or sense it..


It all goes back down to..



One month to Valentine's Day.. Exactly 31 days..
Preparing for another quiet and lonely valentine....

" Family been painting the house.. ^-^ "

manda 140107 2342


About This Blog

A place where I can share my thoughts, interests and dreams to friends and family or even strangers who stumble upon this humble blog of mine~ The title of the blog was adapted from a quote of love from St. Augustine whom once said

"Love is temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become entwined together that is is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.

Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."


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