Incidents after another

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Apparently this is the first time I have spent my whole summer away from home and close to the four-walls-stress-loaded building. Many and I repeat many incidents happens throughout

S U M M E R .

Soon after all the students, well not all but most students left back to their hometown for the long awaited holidays inclusive with tonnes of celebrations. Robbers start hunting on their hunting ground.
These useless people but considered hardworking because they come out to hunt in the wee hours busted so many freaking doors and windows! And stole what was not theirs but properties of people whoms parents worked so hard earning it for.

Stop being silly stealing your own ticket to hell! And why do you want so many of them?

So you could go to hell over and over again?

or just to make sure you are IN ?

After that was the pouring rain and I mean literally waterfall! Well waterfall not everywhere but near the fuel station (SH*LL) and the hills. Water seems to be collecting and stagnant water on the soil was often the case.

What they did not know was, the soil could not hold the amount of water pouring from above! Well if you think the water falling down those rocks were cool and beautiful previously think again! Because one day if you decided to build your house on top of the hill, start worrying (or moving..... =S) when people compliment that you are so lucky to have beautiful waterfall at the foot of the hill where your house is! =P

People are naturally born to be '38' (ask a Chinese friend). Maybe you disagree with me but I stand strong on my point. Otherwise, there will not be any scientist, astrologist and all sorts. Only because you're '38' enough to uncover mysteries and solving problems, we get to own techies and fly across continents to be even more '38'! =PpPP

Back to the topic, sources from '38' people who took their nature as money-earning activity (job) helps even more the '38' community to update themselves regularly.

Sourced out was the tragic accident that happened on Valentine's Day to our friends from Curtin as well. Four involved but only three survived. Short story, the car hit the tree (don't assume it was a small car, it was not). Everyday I would drive pass that tree and say a little prayer for all the drivers out there.

Drive safe everyone! Stop rushing! Rushing just shortens your TIME even more.

Well, good news is .. everyone is BACK!

Mr. and Mrs. Robbers.. not forgettin baby may now go back to your hiding place and start thinking how to sell those items you've stole without being caught. Trees, its time to get polutted because its roaring cars this semester!

It is the first day of the semester. ONLY. And we hear another Curtin bloodshed just houses away.

" Boyfriend attempt to murder Girlfriend "
Are you sure?
Screams. House. Blood. Locks. Drugs. Scissors
Small knife. Big knife. Wrist. Neck. Cuffs.

" You remember when we were younger, our English teacher would ask us to form a sentence with the related-words given? Well, everyone had their own version. That's all I can say "

News were on the HEADLINES. '38' community is everywhere around.

Newsflash was on rapid-fire in the whole MIRI.

Well, sources say it was not only Miri community who were talking and hearing about it but also Mirians living across countries and others who habitted in Miri before.

How did the story go? And how is it now? Find out for yourself. =P

I wouldn't want to spend my S U M M E R in Miri anymore.
LAST !!!

*sleepy day in office* zzzzzZzz


About This Blog

A place where I can share my thoughts, interests and dreams to friends and family or even strangers who stumble upon this humble blog of mine~ The title of the blog was adapted from a quote of love from St. Augustine whom once said

"Love is temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become entwined together that is is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.

Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."


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