*tick tock tick tock*
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Either I choose to be happy or sad. And this mood will bring me through the rest of the day.
Today, I chose to happy despite all the moodiness I had from the previous day~
I realised that I have changed in terms of my reaction towards anger. I cannot stay angry at a person for a long time. Within minutes of being angry and not talking to the other person, I felt that quiet and cold moment. It is this uneasy feeling that something its just not right. The mood level of the environment turns so cold and low. Hmmm.. Can't you guys light up the place with laughter and let me stay angry for just a little bit? =P~
My blood needs to boil up some day.
Rectification for myself that I am human and within the normality of life.
Life is really too short.
*tick tock tick tock*
In life, we want we want we want... its all about what we want...
*tick tock tick tock*
" I am still young, I still have a long way to go "
" You're thinking too much and too far.. . You're only, how old? 21?22?.."
A saying that most of us might have heard. Let's say you're 22 yrs old this year. If you think you have another 40 years to live. Think again.
*tick tock tick tock*
Everyone has plans, aims and goals in life. Life is a routine everyone goes through. How fruitful or beautiful your life is written, depends on the one who's holding the pen.
Day after day we wait for a life changing experience especially the good ones, what we often miss out are the bad experiences we might have to go through. We should always be prepared.
*tick tock tick tock*
A bolt of 'REALITY' strikes into my life, no thanks to recent happenings. =(
Seems like LIFE's REALITY is knocking hard on our doors.
No matter how deep the downfall,
we still need to get up,
put our feets to the ground,
*tick tock tick tock*
Are you still dwelling on hurting pasts?
planning a revenge?
collecting all your hurts and holding grudges?
(even if you say you don't, there is a minimal if you remember the event)
spreading dug-up past-secrets of a dislike?
sacrificing friends for life's selfishness?
sighing on routinal-work?
holding that nerve when your employer steps by?
*tick tock tick tock*
Life is too short.
Think again.
What if the sun doesn't shine for you tomorrow?
Yes, you wont hurt anymore,
Yes,your revenge plan fail,
Yes, news about her/him is still spreading,
Yes, I don't have to face my BOSS anymore.....................
Your life (your routinal, boring, tiring life or whatever you call it) just dissappears.
Evaporated into thin air are,
Your plans, your looking-forward-to's, your dated occasions (anniversaries, graduation, birthdays, weekend trip , pay-day, or even BORING OL' MONDAY)
Childhood memories,
My achievements in life,
ask yourselves,
" Where would I be, when I'm gone too? "
*tick tock tick tock*