Happy Birthday
Friday, May 22, 2009
So here's a post dedicated to you friend to say....
Have a blessed birthdayyyy
thank you for being such a great friend!
what is left over when being in love has burned away..When all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two
There is so far little data available on the risk of airborne transmission of this particular virus. Mexican authorities are distributing surgical masks to the general public. The UK Health Protection Agency considers facial masks unnecessary for the general public.
Many authorities recommend the use of respirators by health-care workers in the vicinity of pandemic flu patients, in particular during aerosol generating procedures (e.g. intubation, chest physiotherapy, bronchoscopy).
Although some pigs in Canada were recently found to be infected with the new strain of H1N1,the leading international health agencies have stressed that the "influenza viruses are not known to be transmissible to people through eating processed pork or other food products derived from pigs."
Does that mean no more porky meat meat for us? *huhuhu* T_T
Let's hope and pray that does not happen!
The next time your body do not feel so well...
don't dread or fret to see a doctor the next time you catch a flu or a bad cough or worst of all a fever!
Please take care everyone! ^^
If you are more interested in the real news and the outbreak update of the disease.
Refer to the links below..
All italized words are referenced from sources such as Wikipedia and Borneo post online news.
Have not been into any presentation these past semester.. But just today we had one..
Let me tell you the first thing I got to know when I got into the class..
Friend 1: Hey.. Our group presentation has been postponed to next week.
Me: You serious? If he postpone our presentation today.. I will kill him!
Friend 2: Hey I heard its true. They said today's time could only be allocated for two groups.
Me: *serious grin*
Me: Teammate.. Our presentation has been postponed again!
Teammate 1: If that is so, I definitely will hate him for this.
You see.. Our group presentation has been postponed three times already! And if this is gonna happen again. It would be the fourth. And I do not like the sound of it.
Lucky things turned out fine. We got to present and same with other 3 groups.
If not, things would turn ugly. We'll definitely complain this to the higher authority.
And Dr.K, you'll definitely face trouble.
You wouldnt want that on your first semester here would you? zzzzzzzzzzz
Here are some snaps of what we presented.. We talked about an industrial disaster that happened way back in 1947 in Texas City which involved a french registered vessel, S.S Grandcamp.
Actually the title does not relate to what I have to say or blog about now..
It was raining early this morning..
The brightness of the lightning's bolt and the delayed-follower, the thunder roared so loudly from the skies above... Woke up me from my sleep!
Knowing that she is very afraid of when its comes to thunder.. I looked out the window to check on her.. She was wandering around.. walking up and down.. I wonder what she was doing...
I was too sleepy to wait and see what she was up to....
Checked on the clock.. It was 6.30 am only! *arghhhh*
Aaahh.. Had a feel to blog! Its a hazy night and its one minute to the 14th!
Today is a very special day for someone I love..!
Happy Birthday Papa dearest! ^^
Have not thought about what to blog about yet..
Life has been pretty busy with exams and assignments all!
I guess that is what we call student life..
pssss.. I think its still way better than working life... Hahaha! =P
Last two nights ago, VCF had posting session and it was longggggggggggg .. what I mean was.. it took such a long time to elect the committees with their particular post...
but oh well. its normal! ^^been through that.. but this time I get to see your votes! Hahaaaaa!
Here are some snaps.... But I got scolded for snapping..*huhuhu* T_T
Don't scold me bah slave.. I know you are boss among us..but ... for memories ba... :(
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